Hey! I’m Melissa. I’m so glad you’re here.
I’m an Evidence Based Naturopath and Scientist with a special focus on IBS, SIBO and Microbiome Health. I’m passionate about helping women whose doctors tell them they’re fine …and they know they’re not. Things aren’t optimum. They’re barely surviving …but what they want is to be thriving.
Sound familiar…
You’re not ‘sick’ …but you’re Not Quite Well either.
You barely have enough oomph to get you through the day.
Your kids don’t sleep through the night (hell, neither do you!).
You’re missing regular days from work.
Your period is NOT your friend.
Your tummy bloats and hurts just looking at food. And you’re ‘crying tired’ every afternoon.
You are definitely NOT the fun parent. You know what? ….
That was me too. Add in red raw eczema that stuck to my clothes, asthma with hospital visits and the odd nervous and immune system breakdown that literally put me on my ass every couple of years ….I was a joy to be around!
I work with women just like you, every day.
Sadly, being a Scientist wasn’t great for my health. So I changed course and I turned my life around. I quit my job in a lab and went back to study Naturopathy, Nutrition and Western Herbal Medicine for another 4 years.
I found my soul AND, with some hard work, I found my health again too. I went from being unable to work full time, on antibiotics several times each year, no stress tolerance and tearing my skin off my body to living and working in a full and active life. So what does my life look like now??
I run 2 businesses and my daughter’s NDIS plan.
I played soccer every weekend
Snowboarding in the winter
Regular weekend hikes in the mountains
Beach camping trips and
Bussing it all over Europe for 9 weeks with a 5yo and kid in a wheelchair.
I know you. I was you. And I’m here to tell you that YOU CAN GET BETTER. With a little time and commitment, you can have and do it all. You CAN be the fun parent …and still have plenty left in the tank for the life of adventure that you always knew you wanted.
What They’re Saying
“I have only GLOWING WORDS to offer. Melissa is a knowledgeable and dedicated practitioner committed to making a difference for her clients. She is always striving to give the best care possible whilst being super mindful to make sure the proposed treatment works with my lifestyle. Plus, I don’t even need to leave my house for my appointment (#WINNING!). My favourite thing about her is that she is REAL. Straight talking, no nonsense, and she’s very funny :). She’s actually the best!!“
- VERONIKA, Canberra
Fun facts about me …
⧫ I have 2 awesome kids but my Big girl has quite a disability, uses a wheelchair and we are her minions 😊.
⧫ I swear. Quite a lot actually.
⧫ What you see is what you get with me. I’m fun (not gonna lie 😊) …and I like to have fun.
⧫ Summer is my love language.
⧫ My parenting approach: Just enough dysfunction to be funny.
What They’re Saying
“Prior to working with Melissa, I was in a constant state of discomfort, exhaustion, gastric upset, insomnia and emotional overload. There was never anything outstandingly wrong, simply an ongoing state of ‘unwellness’. My first email to Melissa was met with brilliant empathy, understanding and professionalism. Working with Melissa is nothing short of amazing. The biggest change is having energy, clear mind, a better belly, a happier head and a grateful heart! Melissa has energy, passion, experience and skill to deliver everything I need to know.“
- COLLEEN, Townsville